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FUSION: Future skills innovation network
Preparing students for a limitless future

Our Mission

FUSION, the Future Skills Innovation Network, is a collaborative group of Canadian universities focused on innovative skill development to prepare students for the future economy and an active citizen in 21st-century society. Launched as part of the new, federally-funded Future Skills Centre, FUSION consists of six partner institutions: Simon Fraser University, University of Calgary, University of Saskatchewan, Carleton University, Concordia University and Memorial University. FUSION’s network model will help to foster collaboration around skill development and speed the diffusion of successful innovations. FUSION represents a new way of working for Canadian universities. As the only cross-institutional network of universities in Canada focusing on innovation in skills development, FUSION fills a vital gap and will significantly contribute to Canada’s skills ecosystem as a partner in the Future Skills Centre

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Woman working on computer
Engineer in lab coat working on a high-tech terminal
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Our Work

In our first three years, the Future Skills Innovation Network carved out its role as a leader in cross-university collaboration and innovation at the intersection of career services and teaching and learning.

We prototyped, implemented, and rapidly shared new FUSION skill-development initiatives. We surpassed our initial goal of enrolling 1500 participants across six universities. We brought an equity lens to FUSION work. We invested in the implementation at FUSION universities and built on the FUSION ethos of radical sharing.

Find out more about FUSION’s initiatives.

Professionals in active discussion pointing at a wall of sticky notes.

FUSION in the Workplace

The future of work is changing for Canadians and for the world at large. The Future Skills Innovation Network believes that we can’t prepare our students for the problems of tomorrow without the university evolving in response to the changing work and knowledge economy. In this, FSC and FUSION share key strategic priorities that make us natural partners in this work. FUSION participants have worked to develop skills critical to the rapidly evolving workforce. Learn more about the FUSION skill-development offerings. 

Person in lab
Co-workers in plant nursery
Two people working in a computer room

Participating Institutions