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Sat, 08/20/2022 - 21:04

Post-Secondary Institutions

FUSION serves our university partners. We have learned that engaging in FUSION as a cross-institutional network greatly accelerates our ability to understand what other institutional factors can be utilized to enhance student skill-development. Each university has piloted innovative new ways to use FUSION offerings to support student skill development. Every week we engage in collaborative planning of new applications for our offerings and learn from the approaches at other universities.

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Sat, 08/20/2022 - 20:59


FUSION serves students by providing dynamic, flexible skill training and opportunities to develop and evaluate the acquisition of these skills. We have prioritized providing these opportunities to groups that have traditionally been under-represented and under-served by higher education. We have engaged in systematic learning about the practices needed to broaden access for equity-seeking students.

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Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:22

Humanities Plus at Concordia

The Humanities+ (H+) program envisions a world where all undergraduates studying in Humanities-based programs have the requisite skills and confidence to make a successful university-to-career transition. The mission of H+ is to support a successful university-to-career transition for Humanities students through targeted skills development, reflection activities and a work-integrated learning (WIL) experience.

Participating Institutions
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Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:21

Indigenous Student Design Labs

This project involved the design, co-creation and facilitation of two new innovation labs for Indigenous students that blended Indigenous Wisdom Teachings and traditional practices with an established innovation lab process (Theory U). Both programs were held in the Fall Term of 2021 and focussed on undergraduate students. One program was held at the University of Saskatchewan (USASK) for Indigenous women students and the other at Memorial University (MUNL)

Case Studies

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Tue, 06/28/2022 - 14:13

The FUSION Curriculum

The FUSION curriculum training library currently has modules for skill-development in problem solving, communication, and metacognition. To date, we have implemented this training with more than 2,000 students and alumni across our six member universities. At the time of this application, FUSION has developed content for three additional skill training modules: adaptability, collaboration, and inclusivity.

Related Skills
Case Studies

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